About Us

About me

Hi there,

my name is Carlo Bonomi, you’re more than welcome on Via del Cotone website.

My family has been working in the textile business for over 160 years, nevertheless my early education, interests and working experiences were not related to fabrics and fashion: I took a keen interest in Humanities (notably Literature and History) and then in discovering the World outside Italy. Textile and I bumped into each other in the early ’10 and it was love at first sight, so I decided to change my life and start working in this amazing business. I first joined my family business, years later I chose to sell it and to start up my brand-new project, Via del Cotone, by using my long-term expertise in sales managing and product development in the challenging textile market.

About us

Via del Cotone

The company is based in Italy and combines 160 years of tradition and know-how, the product, the sales management expertise and the operations of our teamwork together with our industrial Asian partner that holds one of the most advanced textile mills in the World, constantly evolving with new range of products.

This kind of structure, running along the Cotton Route, allows us to efficiently serve the modern-day market by merging our product and sales know-how with a very effective logistics and industrial structures, all together oriented to good quality standards and quick service.

Today Via del Cotone is already operating on the most important European, Asian and North-American markets, continuously growing thanks to our partners throughout the World.